I know it's been awhile since I've sent out inspirational messages but I'll be sending these out every Monday! ️
Some of you may be aware of some of the struggles and unexpected events that have taken place in my life since the start of 2016. I won't focus on all those things because I've given them to the Lord and he has given me peace! As we grow closer to GOD we must understand that we will be placed in uncomfortable situations and unfamiliar places. Our walk with the Lord was never meant to be comfortable but for us to totally depend on him for every single thing. We have to die to ourselves daily and be transparent. How can we ask GOD to trust us with more when he can't trust us with a little? This week, focus on things that you are currently doing or involved in that is not of GOD - sin, living dishonestly and things that are hindering your walk with GOD -pride, ego, insecurities, anger, etc. Give all these things to the Lord! He's waiting for you to truly surrender your life completely to him!
Romans 8:28 - "And we know that for those who love GOD all things work together for our good, for those who are called according to HIS purpose." *ESV version*
Remember it is about HIS purpose and will for our lives not ours! Rest in the Lord. Have an amazing week! Give someone a hug or send a text to someone that is on your heart currently. It goes a long way. Love you!