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The Gift of Singleness... The Ministry of Marriage.

As a single woman, I get the never ending question about when I'll get married, are you dating, anyone special in your life, etc. I hear it from family members and even co workers. I know I'm not alone. It can be quite annoying at times. I could go out and talk/date a whole bunch of random guys. Don't get me wrong it's okay to meet people but your intention should never be today will I find my husband/wife. Honestly I would be interfering in GOD's business. Going ahead of him when I know that his timing is perfect.

As I've grown in my spiritual walk with the Lord, I've learned more about the purpose of marriage and how important it is to enjoy your time when single. Marriage is a ministry and should bring glory to GOD. You are becoming one with another imperfect child of GOD. That's not easy but it could be easier if we enjoyed our time being single to deal with some things instead of taking that into our marriage so that the other person now has to deal with that on top of the work it takes to be married and stay married. Honestly, being single has allowed me to be more committed and available for what GOD needs me to do at this point in my life. Yes I have a desire to be a wife as well as be a mother but that desire cannot be my full focus. We are here to do the work of GOD and to give him glory.

Until that time, I want GOD to continue to convict me of things that are not of him. To remove anything hindering me from being totally obedient to him. To be more like Christ! I pray that you do the same today and everyday.

Have a great week! Love you

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