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Are you pleasing GOD?

Do you desire to spend time with GOD and live for GOD?

In your attire?

In the music you listen to?

In the shows you watch?

Your words? Cursing? Gossip?

Are your actions and what you say confusing non-believers of what a follower of Jesus Christ should be?

These are the questions I asked myself over this past weekend. Have the things I've done and said given GOD glory or has it showed that I have lied or deceived myself and others. Deceiving myself into believing that I could carry on in my sin or remain in this secular world and call myself a child of GOD.

Have we gotten complacent with our walk with GOD that we continue in our sin? Yes GOD forgives us but that does not mean that we should go ahead and do something when we know the Holy Spirit has convicted us before we commit that sin. If we can continue in our sin even after that conviction we must re-evaluate our salvation and if we have really committed to being a follower of GOD - being obedient and discipline. What has the Holy Spirit been convicting you of this past week or month or even year? Once you've identified it, pray to GOD and ask him to remove that urge or temptation of whatever has you distracted, unfocused, disobedient and walking in darkness.

In James 5-6 states, "this is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that GOD is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth." *ESV version*

I hope this has open your eyes! We are to walk in the way of the Lord. Other people should be able to see GOD's glory through us and not question whether or not we are just being fake Christians! Think about it. Love you dearly!

Have a great week

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