When we think about our tongue we tend to think about what we say and how we say it. However, what we don't say, the things we stay silent about, even our inner thoughts can be just as harmful. Personally for me I've always been a shy and observant person. I'm not the typical girl who likes to talk on the phone all the time. So that meant that I use to keep a lot of things to myself when I was younger. Oh how destructive those inner thoughts can or could be. The things building up inside would eventually have to come out. Oh what a fiery storm that could be.
James 3:5-6 states, " So also the tongue is a small member, yet it boasts of great things. How great a forest is set ablaze by such a small fire! And the tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness. The tongue is set among our members, staining the whole body, setting on fire the entire course of life, and set on fire by hell."
Even our silent thoughts and things we don't speak about can be just as destructive. Maybe not to anyone else but to us personally. The things we speak over our lives. The things we say about ourselves and our short comings. It came to a point that I had to speak out loud what I was thinking or feeling. Not just to a close friend/family but most importantly to GOD. Sometimes we stress ourselves out over things that only GOD can handle. He will carry our weight if we allow him to. He is patient with us but how long will you stress yourself out and be silent before you decide to give to the Lord - your anger, your insecurity, your confusion, your doubt, your anxiety, etc. Remember GOD is GOD of peace and not confusion. Your confusion is not of GOD! Pay attention to the people GOD has placed in your life. You're not alone. But never being open with the people you care about or claim to love will leave one of you hurt and one feeling unappreciated. Think about it.
Have a great week! Love you