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Serving GOD

Good morning and Happy Monday!

Today I read Colossians 3:23 which states, "Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people." *NLT version*

This scriptures hit home for me because I work in a field where every patient is not grateful and even rude but even some employees can act the same way. This past week I got so frustrated and upset that I had to take a few moments to myself just to pray to GOD and release those emotions. I'm so passionate about being a nurse and wanting to have great rapport with my patients. However, it can be trying to help take care of someone who doesn't seem to appreciate it. Or work in an environment where a few are concerned about self and not about the reason why they are there.

I reflected on what someone told me a while back that I can't be distracted by what others are doing or not doing and to use that as a motivator to continue to strive to be the best I can be. I realized that this past week maybe even this whole month has been a test. Would I still be obedient to what GOD told me to do and to stay where he wants me to be? Will I serve others which means that I'm actually serving GOD with a serene and pure heart? Will I continue to be patient and hold my tongue about how I may personally feel? Because ultimately we're placed in situations sometimes not only to be tested but also to see whether we will be obedient or quit before we even move into what GOD has for us.

I hope you have an awesome week! Thanks so much for visiting today - may it bring GOD the ultimate glory!

Love you!

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