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A Godly Woman! A Black Woman! “We are not called to be comfortable.”

In the world’s eyes, I am a minority in every aspect of my life as a black person, a black woman and a black registered nurse. I should not be where I am now or have the opportunities that I have been blessed to have as a Black woman. But when it comes to my Lord and Savior, I AM his chosen.

Chosen (adjective) means have been selected; appointed; favored; handpicked; divine favor. 1 Peter 2:9-12 states in the English Standard Version, “ But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession that you may proclaim the excellences of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” The aspect of being chosen by GOD is emphasized in the book of Esther. Esther was an orphan and a Jewish woman who was raised by her uncle Mordecai. Esther’s original Hebrew name was Hadassah which means compassion or myrtle tree (to reveal). However, her name was changed to Esther (Persian name) which means star and eastern goddess after being captured by the Persians. She was now living in the city of Susa. King Ahasuerus was in search for a new queen and Esther was chosen. She became the Queen of Persia but she was a Jewish woman but that was not known to the king.

She became queen of a foreign land but her assignment and purpose was connected to the foreign land she was now forced to live in. Her assignment was to save her people from being killed and destroyed by the enemy. The only way she was able to fulfill her purpose was by not staying silent, seeking guidance from GOD through fasting and understanding that GOD has given her favor in the sight of the Persian king. She was ultimately able to save her people in spite of her being a minority and a woman. She was selected by the king because of her beauty, but GOD chose her because he trusted her with this assignment and had confidence in her to fulfill her divine purpose.

My first and last name both mean black. Ebony (Egyptian) means black; hard; dark beauty. It embodies my skin color and my heritage. My parents understood the importance of choosing a name for me and were obedient to GOD by naming me Ebony, which was the name my dad was told at a young age to give his future daughter. Proverbs 22:1a (ESV) states, “A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches.” How important it is to be in tune with the Holy Spirit daily in every aspect of our lives and the decisions we make.

At a young age of twenty seven, I have experienced and seen the good, the bad and the ugly when it comes to being a minority and a woman. It is not always easy to handle or to understand the double standards and hatred that is spilled out by others in this world. Sometimes allowing certain situations to frustrate or distract me have at times delayed what GOD has for me to do in this world – my purpose, for the good of GOD’s people and for his glory. Looking back on my life, I literally stayed in certain situations longer than I needed to because I wanted to remain in my comfort zone. We all can admit that we have done this more often than we should. We talk ourselves into believing that we are “content” because Paul stated in Philippians 4:11 that in whatever situation we are in we should be content. However, that does not mean that we should be complacent and refuse to move when GOD has told us to because we are afraid, uncertain or allowing insecurities about our calling stop us. In Matthew 22:14 (ESV) it states, “For many are called, but few are chosen.” This means that GOD has called all of his children for a divine assignment/purpose but only a few are chosen because they have accepted their calling and are actually allowing GOD to direct their steps.

Have you answered the call GOD has placed on your life? Have you settled or chosen to allow other people in your life (family, friends, co-workers, etc.) to dictate what moves you will make in YOUR life?

Or maybe you do know what you have been called to do but that door has not yet open or the time has not yet come to make that move. That is exactly what I am dealing with right now. I know what my next move will be and where it will be and the anticipation is so strong but the wait has been painful in a sense simply because I cannot act on what was revealed to me.

In the meantime, GOD is developing me as a woman, a Black woman but most importantly a woman of GOD. With development, there has been separation from certain people, situations, old/bad habits and even certain food choices (no pork or red meat) for over a year now. Living on my own just so I can be totally dependent on GOD and no one else. This development has been preparation for the purpose GOD has placed on my life. I have not always understood these changes but it was the best decision for me to allow the Holy Spirit to lead me instead of me leading myself down a path that detours and delays what GOD has for me. We cannot expect GOD to move us into certain environments, situation and/or positions without being the person he needs us to be first by being more mature, obedient, loving and most of all selfless.

We have been chosen by GOD for a purpose that he has designed for each and every one of us. I am reminded of a quote I read in my morning devotional that says, “Don’t spend time but invest it.” GOD has invested in our lives to do great things, to help and serve others as well as enjoy our lives all for GOD’s glory. However, that quote also makes me think about what we invest our time in. Is what we are investing our time in really beneficial, uplifting for someone else or is it all about me, me, me? There is nothing wrong with focusing on yourself especially if you do not have the responsibilities that marriage or having a child brings but has it become about self-gain or does it continue to be about GOD and helping others along our journey? Also it is important to make sure the people you choose to spend time with are really invested in you and are for you. Always check the fruit of those relationships. With everything there is a cost and sacrifice including the calling GOD has on our lives!

GOD bless you! Have a great week!


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